
Showing posts from May, 2013

Delete and reset database in rails 3

Suppose I have a Ruby on Rails database . I want to delete everything and rebuild the database. Please follow the following steps: rake db:drop rake db:create rake db:migrate  To reset and reload your current schema with all. Just follow rake db:reset rake db:migrate

Rmagic installation problem in rails 3

How to install ImageMagick  In Rails 3 Before installing r magic please installed the required library in your system. please follow the Steps. sudo apt-get install imagemagic sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev sudo apt-get install l ibmagickwand-dev After successful installation of the above 3 libraries now run gem install 'rmagick' Now rmagic will install successfully. :)

How to write stored procedure in rails 3

Writing Stored procedure in rails 3 Now using Mysql2 gem writing stored procedure is pretty much easy. Just we need to follow the below steps to write  stored procedure in ORM. 1) Connect the database. client = => "localhost", :username => "root", :database => "XXX", :password => "XYZ", :flags => Mysql2::Client::MULTI_STATEMENTS ) This extra flag option is most important and multiple result sets is normally used when calling stored procedures that return more than one result set. 2) Fetch the data. result  = client.query( 'CALL sp_test'); It will return the Result set. Now result contains first result set and to fetch the Next result set we need to follow the next step While (client.next_result)    result = client.store_result  #To get the next result set end