Video chat in rails 3

Video streeming is always a challenge for the rails programmer. I am sure After reading this article  every one CAN DO IT EASILY.  :)

Gems used:
      gem 'raydash', '2.1.0'
      gem 'jquery-rails'

Step 1 :
     First generate a new rails project by typing rails new Demo_apps.

Step 2:
   Inside Your gem file add the raydash gem. You can check the version from

Step 3:
   Go to and generate Your user_id, and secret.

Step 4:
   Configure Demo_apps with your user_id and secret with the command:
    rails g raydash:install [userid] [secret]  
    or you can directly go to config/initilizer and create a raydash.rb file                  
    and add your credentials there.   
Step 5:      
     Create an suitable controller and add this
     @token = Raydash.getToken()
Step 6:     
    for the view page write this                        
      <%= videostream(@token,"stream") %>
      Where, @token specifies the token we are connecting to, and "stream” are div id.  
      If You want to add video record just add one more line in the view file
      <%= videorecord(@token,"record","640","480","0") %>     
      where @token is the token generated for you and “record” is the div size  and you can
      specify its height width also.

Step 7:
   You can customize and add javascript to change video quality and div size.

Step 8:
   To start video streaming make the create a next link to the view page.
            For the same add a controller action like this.
            def next()
              :active =>true,:twoWay=>true,
               render :json => {:ok => true }
 If u want a group chat like video chat and want to switch between different users use this             function
            Raydash.changeStreamNext() instead of  Raydash.changeStreamRand ()

Step 9:
   In Application.html.erb in the header write this code
             <%= raydash_header %>

Step 10:

   Make sure You have flash 11 or higher version installed. And your browser
   must be compatible of doing video chat. And rails version must be greater than 3.


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