
Showing posts with the label rails 3

Active resource in rails

This is a powerful feature of rails to communicate between two models in two different application running in two different server. ActiveResource:Base is the main class for mapping RESTful resources as models in a Rails application. Active Resource objects represent your RESTful resources as manipulatable Ruby objects. To map resources to Ruby objects, Active Resource  only needs a class name that corresponds to the resource name (e.g., the class User maps to the resources Products, very similarly to Active Record) and a site value, which holds the URI of the resources. class User < ActiveResource::Base = "" end In order to access controller you need to send the json response like i am going to call the index action so we need to write :- def index @products = Product.all respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => @products} end end Now the User class is mapped to RESTful resources located...

How to upload Bulk file in rails 3 application

If you want to upload bulk file in rails application just follow the following steps 1) create a rails application     rails new bulk_upload 2) Add passenger in your gem file     gem 'passenger' Now try to start with your rails application with the command   passenger start by default it will run on port number 3000 Now if you try to upload bulk files lets just say more than 500 mb or 800 mb you will get an error in the time of uploading like [ error] 4840#0: *557 client intended to send too large body: 94672000 bytes, client:, server: _, request: "POST /XXX HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:3000" so this not error of you application this is the error thrown by passenger and ngnix which is responsible to run passenger First uninstall using purge to remove even configuration files and records:   apt-get purge nginx nginx-common nginx-full Then reinstall it  apt-get install nginx If above doesn't work for you you can als...

sunspot_rails the Sunspot library for Solr search.

Now its very easy to integrate solar search using sunspot_rails gem in rails 3 for fast searching.  Please follow the below steps to use solar search. 1) first install the gem    gem 'sunspot_rails'    gem 'sunspot_solr'   # optional pre-packaged Solr distribution for use in development 2) Run the bundle command to install the gems. 3) Run      rails generate sunspot_rails:install      to create the configuration file for the solar search. 4) Now you need to start the solar server     bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start 5) If you have some exiting data in the data base please execute the command     rake sunspot:reindex 6) Now we are done with our setup.we need to configure our model so that search will work.    let say we have one event model in our application like    class Event < ActiveRecord::Base       attr_...

mongo.js:L112 Error: couldn't connect to server atsrc/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L112

mongo.js:L112 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L112 Stop mongodb service sudo service mongodb stop Remove mongodb lock file sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock Change ownership from root to mongodb path sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb/ Start mongodb service sudo service mongodb start Test mongo app mongo Then you will be able to execute successfully (i hope).

Configure Twilio In rails 3

Now you can make voice call and can send text message using Twilio api in rails 3. Follow the below steps for setting up Twilio in your Rails application. 1) First create a new rails application using rails new twilio_app . 2) Add the gem "twilio-ruby" in your gem file and run the bundle command. 3) Go to and create a free new account. After creating the account just go to the   and get the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN from there . 4 )Now for sending sms put the code inside your controller.    account_sid =  ACCOUNT SID    auth_token =  AUTH TOKEN    @client = Twilio:: REST ::Client. new account_sid, auth_token    message = @client .account.sms.messages.create( :body => "Hey Jhon !" ,              :to => "+14159352345" ,      ...

Delete and reset database in rails 3

Suppose I have a Ruby on Rails database . I want to delete everything and rebuild the database. Please follow the following steps: rake db:drop rake db:create rake db:migrate  To reset and reload your current schema with all. Just follow rake db:reset rake db:migrate

Rmagic installation problem in rails 3

How to install ImageMagick  In Rails 3 Before installing r magic please installed the required library in your system. please follow the Steps. sudo apt-get install imagemagic sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev sudo apt-get install l ibmagickwand-dev After successful installation of the above 3 libraries now run gem install 'rmagick' Now rmagic will install successfully. :)

Rails 3 ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow

ActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieOverflow ( ActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieOverflow ): Problem in rails 3 devise. The problem is with session["devise.facebook_data"] = env["omniauth.auth"] . Twitter's response contains an extra section that is very large and does not fit in the session. One option is to store env["omniauth.auth"].except("extra") in the session instead. This is issue arises where we are storing more than 4K of session data.