Debug Nodejs inside docker container

If you want to debug a node js or express application that is running inside a docker container please follow the below steps.

  add pryjs in you package.json and run npm install
  npm install --save pryjs

Step 2:
  Go to your docker-compose file and find the specific docker container which you want to debug.
  Ex. if your container name is an app then please add the below lines
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

Step 3:
  Go the specific file where you want to debug and require the library
    var pry = require('pryjs');

  Then add the script to the specific like where you want to stop the execution.

Step 4:
  Run the docker compose file and attach the specific process
   docker-compose up -d && docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q app)

It will stop the execution in the specific line once the request will hit that specific line

Please check the documentation for a more pry option.


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