
mongo.js:L112 Error: couldn't connect to server atsrc/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L112

mongo.js:L112 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L112 Stop mongodb service sudo service mongodb stop Remove mongodb lock file sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock Change ownership from root to mongodb path sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb/ Start mongodb service sudo service mongodb start Test mongo app mongo Then you will be able to execute successfully (i hope).

Configure Twilio In rails 3

Now you can make voice call and can send text message using Twilio api in rails 3. Follow the below steps for setting up Twilio in your Rails application. 1) First create a new rails application using rails new twilio_app . 2) Add the gem "twilio-ruby" in your gem file and run the bundle command. 3) Go to and create a free new account. After creating the account just go to the   and get the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN from there . 4 )Now for sending sms put the code inside your controller.    account_sid =  ACCOUNT SID    auth_token =  AUTH TOKEN    @client = Twilio:: REST ::Client. new account_sid, auth_token    message = @client .account.sms.messages.create( :body => "Hey Jhon !" ,              :to => "+14159352345" ,      ...

Delete and reset database in rails 3

Suppose I have a Ruby on Rails database . I want to delete everything and rebuild the database. Please follow the following steps: rake db:drop rake db:create rake db:migrate  To reset and reload your current schema with all. Just follow rake db:reset rake db:migrate

Rmagic installation problem in rails 3

How to install ImageMagick  In Rails 3 Before installing r magic please installed the required library in your system. please follow the Steps. sudo apt-get install imagemagic sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev sudo apt-get install l ibmagickwand-dev After successful installation of the above 3 libraries now run gem install 'rmagick' Now rmagic will install successfully. :)

How to write stored procedure in rails 3

Writing Stored procedure in rails 3 Now using Mysql2 gem writing stored procedure is pretty much easy. Just we need to follow the below steps to write  stored procedure in ORM. 1) Connect the database. client = => "localhost", :username => "root", :database => "XXX", :password => "XYZ", :flags => Mysql2::Client::MULTI_STATEMENTS ) This extra flag option is most important and multiple result sets is normally used when calling stored procedures that return more than one result set. 2) Fetch the data. result  = client.query( 'CALL sp_test'); It will return the Result set. Now result contains first result set and to fetch the Next result set we need to follow the next step While (client.next_result)    result = client.store_result  #To get the next result set end

Rails 3 ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow

ActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieOverflow ( ActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieOverflow ): Problem in rails 3 devise. The problem is with session["devise.facebook_data"] = env["omniauth.auth"] . Twitter's response contains an extra section that is very large and does not fit in the session. One option is to store env["omniauth.auth"].except("extra") in the session instead. This is issue arises where we are storing more than 4K of session data.

rails questions

1) Polymorphic association What’s the deal with Rails’ polymorphic associations? The latest big ActiveRecord feature to Rails has been polymorphic associations. Not very clear at first, I found out they’re easier to understand with a couple examples. A common one: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_one : address , : as => : addressable end class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_one : address , : as => : addressable end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to : addressable , : polymorphic => true end This basically allows the address class to  belongs_to  any model. Which is nice, the alternative would be to say: class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to : person belongs_to : company end Then you’d have all these foreign keys in your addresses table but you only would ever have a value for one of ...