
How to do rake db:seed in using neo4j gem in rails 4

Neo4j is a graph database, using neo4j gem( j) we can easily use neo4j database in our ruby on rails application ( ). Till now neo4j gem does not support rake db tasks. You can check all the supported task by typing rake -T in your console. Now we can create our own custom rake task to seed some  data in neo4j . Step 1: Create a file under lib/tasks name it seed.rake Step 2: Put the below code in seed.rake. namespace :db do   desc 'Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb'   task :seed => :environment do     seed_file = File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds.rb')     load(seed_file) if File.exist?(seed_file)   end end That's it. now you can run rake db:seed from your terminal.. Simple :)